Latest Past Events

ZurichCV Meetup #3

OAT ETH Zürich (14th Floor) Andreasstrasse 5 (14th floor), Zurich

ZurichCV #3 on June 13th at 18:00 will feature two talks: Julian Schilliger from ETH Zurich on deciphering ancient papyrus for the Scroll Prize (Vesuvius Challenge): "On how to unroll and read a 2000 year old papyrus scroll that was buried by the Vesuvius eruption with computer vision, from ancient Rome to a modern particle …

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ZurichNLP Meetup #10

OAT ETH Zürich (14th Floor) Andreasstrasse 5 (14th floor), Zurich

We're happy to announce ZurichNLP #10 on May 28th with the following speakers: Kacper Lukawski (Senior Developer Advocate @ Qdrant) on optimizing RAG applications: "LLM outputs in the Retrieval Augmented Generation pipelines are only as good as the documents we provide for answer generation. We will review the strategies of semantic search optimization depending on …

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ZurichNLP Meetup #9

OAT ETH Zürich (14th Floor) Andreasstrasse 5 (14th floor), Zurich

We're happy to announce ZurichNLP #9 on April 25th with the following speakers: Lewis Tunstall (MLE @ HuggingFace) on How to Align Your LLM Vilém Zouhar (PhD @ ETH Zurich) on Pride and BPE: How We Solved Tokenization but Got It Wrong "Tokenization is present in almost all NLP pipelines, but rarely examined mathematically. We …

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